Wednesday, January 13, 2010

A fairly successful day. Dick and I went to the new Roadside Inn on Hwy 57 for breakfast on Bret this morning. The people who ran the Plymouth Family Restaurant opened this one. As I said the smoke drove us out of the old one but they have no smoking anywhere in this establishment so we could just enjoy the food. We both got omelets and brought home enough for lunch tomorrow.

Then I did the grocery shopping and picked up a prescription at Walgreens.

I finished the soup this morning and then took a nap after lunch. The rest of the afternoon was spent taking the rest of the ornaments off of the tree and getting them packed away. All that is left is to take one box downstairs and then get the tree stowed in its box and dragged down to the furnace room. I am kind of planning on doing that early tomorrow so that Joan can get the livingroom all vacuumed up. There are little gold stars and bits of tree scattered all over.

Roxie has found the activity of stripping the tree fascinating. She loved all the boxes and activity with just her and me involved. I think she thought that I was playing with her. It made her very hungry. She got very demanding for her dinner starting at 3:30 which was way too early. I finally broke down and fed her at about 4:15 because she wore me down.

Chelsea is becoming a very picky little eater these days. I have to go through all kinds of tricks to get her to eat. I have just about got her eating only the special diet but still she is not eating with much enthusiasm. The confusing part for me is that she is so picky and even special treats are not special to her anymore. She seldom will eat lettuce and the commercial treats that she used to love she sill only eat sometimes. This growing old is sure hard, even for critters.

God love you


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