Saturday, December 12, 2009

This was a busy at home day. It was still cold but the temps at least got out of the single digits and even into the low 30s.

I had to be at the Redeemer Lutheran Church for our Condo Association meeting at 9:15 or so to help register. I had a proxy from our neighbor Dick Kastberg and drove another neighbor Jean Steiner to the meeting. It was quite successful a meeting. The budget was presented along with a summary of last year. The president gave her talk. We learned what to expect from the snow plowing crew. They are trying to accommodate everybody in a very small time frame but I believe the plan is good.

Home again, I fixed lunch, sealed up three of the four packages that have to go out for Christmas and took a nap before going to church at 4PM. It was a nice Mass. Fr. Van Beeck talked about St. John the Baptist again. These are the Gospels that tell about St. John's ministry to be the voice in the wilderness announcing Jesus.

The neat message that he had today was that we don't have to go off to foreign lands or convert a whole bunch of people to Jesus. All we have to do is be the best Mom, or Wife, or friend that we can be to the people we have contact with. To, as Jesus said, love one another as I have loved you. Then we have a shoo in to heaven.

Not as easy as it sounds.

Home again. We talked to Jim and Michelle tonight. They are baking Christmas cookies and have acquired a new puppy. A little girl called Mocha. We will be getting pictures soon.

That is the day. Tomorrow I will send pictures to kind of zip up the blog. Dont't want to bore you.

God love you


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