Sunday, December 13, 2009

It was a good Sunday. THE PACKERS BEAT THE BEARS. I was able to watch and/or listen to most of the game.

This morning I had to take the chili I made over to Rhine for the Lewis Shoot that we were hosting. I arrived at 9:30AM. Nancy Roehre joined me almost right away and we shot pistol for practice. League starts again on January 8th. We didn't do too badly, considering the cold and the fact that we had not shot for about a month.

I helped set up the food. We had four different chilis made by four of us members. They were all really good too. However, we had a very poor turnout for the shoot and there was a LOT left.

Jim let me go home after things were set up as there was a lot of help there - more help than participants. Then I went back at about 2:30 to help with the cleanup. We froze the chilis that did not have pasta in them for the next event. It will also be in winter and chili will go over big then too. The one with pasta we split up and everybody took some home for supper.

I baked some Scripture Cake while I was home between 11AM and 2:30PM and took a little nap while half listening to the Packer Game. It is nice to do some just plain goofing off on a Sunday.

Be safe this week. I will pray for a Blessed Christmas for you all.

God love you


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