Saturday, December 19, 2009

A somewhat quiet day. It was cloudy all day and tonight there is a little bit of preciptitation. I am not quite sure what it is. It isn't snow but it isn't rain or even quite sleet either.

Chelsea was goofy last night. She got me up the first time at 11:30PM. I could not believe it. I had taken her out at 9:30PM and she never before woke me up before 1AM. Then she got me up again at 4AM and I could not get back to sleep.

Oh well, I had a good nap this afternoon with Roxie as my willing bunkmate.

I picked up Share this morning. Got pork chops, kielbasa, lunch meat, ground turkey and veggies. I was home by 10AM and got to work baking the Stollen. They are all done now except that tomorrow, I will frost and decorate them.

Tomorrow we are home all day. I hope to get some reading in for a change and perhaps a bit of writing. I always seem to be putting those things off and then by the end of the day I am too tired to move.

I forgot to tell you that on the way back from Mother's on Friday I saw a flock of at least 6 pheasants feeding by the road. What a sight. Usually I only see and occasional single bird.


God love you


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