Monday, December 14, 2009

There was a lot of excitement today. Starting with the morning. Chelsea let me sleep until 4AM, a big relief after her waking me up at 11:30PM the night before. However, she make me take her out four times between four and 9AM when I left for bible study and all. The best thing was that on the third walk as we were rounding the curve at Tallgrass, we saw a deer bounding back into the wood. She stopped a bit into the woods and watched us walk by. I think Chelsea got a bit of a scent of her but did not see her.

There was a kind of damp snow falling all the way to Sheboygan Falls and for most of the morning. The roads were not too bad on the way down. There were six of us who braved the weather and/or well enough to come today. That was enough for an animated discussion of the passages that we read.

I went right from there to Mother's. I took her a loaf of Scripture Cake and some stew. She is very tired these days and I picked up a bulletin for her because I knew that she had not attempted going over to church yesterday. We always have such nice visits.

Then it was time for the Sheboygan County Writer's Club Christmas Party. I am still a member though I canot get there very often. It is just too hard to go to two meetings a month as I hate to leave Dick that often and do feel that I should go to the local Cream City group here in Plymouth. It was SO good to see all of them and meet a couple of newer members too. We met at the Villager. I had a great sandwich which I was able to eat only 1/2 of. So Dick and I shared the other half with soup for our supper.

We ate and passed on the "cow". The cow is a funny long legged ceramic cow that has been passed on to the member with the best attendance for the year. They are expected to keep it for a year, embellish it and write a story about it's year in a journal. We have had it for 5 years now. You really have to see it to appreciate it. Sy Regan made it a barn when he had it and other recipients have added flowers and a crown of bells.

We always have a present exchange. I got some foot powder cream that I will have to try. I may try it on Dick one day. We also had door prizes and I was one of the lucky ones and chose a set of two new bath towels. We have lots and lots of towels but many of them are getting really raggedy.

After the present exchange a couple of us read things. I read my newest poem called Falcon. I can't publish it here yet as I have it entered in a contest but will when the contest is over.

Then I started home and was shocked at how slippery the roads had become. I got almost home. Just approaching Eastern Avenue going south on Highland from 23, when I skidded a bit and slid into the snow bank piled along the curb. I got stuck. Of course, it took forever for anyone to stop. I kept trying to dig out the tire and under the frame with my hands. Finally a lady with a truck and a little girl stopped. She had a chain but we couldn't get far enough under the car to hook it up. After we struggled for about 10 minutes a man came by and got us hooked up just as the police arrived. He used his lights to alert traffic as she pulled me out and across the intersection. The car is all right. I did manage to have the emergency brake on which made it hard and dragged them, but no harm was done. The car drives just fine now that they are off. As they were still working, I obviously didn't ruin them. The lady was so kind. I asked if I could give her something and she just sweetly wished me a Merry Christmas. So there are lovely people in this world.

Sure glad to be home now anyway. Roxie is always glad to see me. I think she resents it when I leave. I understand that it is supposed to get very cold for the next couple of days. I am not looking forward to that , but at least we don't have to go out of Plymouth until Thursday.

Take care and God love you


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