Thursday, December 17, 2009

I ended up able to stay home all day until tonight when I went to church for a penance service. Isn't that a wonder. We were supposed to go to the Sheboygan Clinic to have Dr. Morino look at Dick's leg, but the office called to tell us that Dr. Morino was home sick. So we rescheduled til next Tuesday.

Dick's leg is looking much better anyway. All of the sores have scabs on them and are healing. He is going to start trying to walk again tomorrow.

I made a Figgy Hobbin for dessert today. Boy is that good. Jeff dropped by on his way home from Mother's with a squash and a prescription for me to get filled for Mom. So I was able to share the Figgy Hobbin with them. Kathy called to tell me she liked it. It is a Cornish dessert that I devised after Dick and I toured Mineral Point many years ago. It is like a raisin pie made in jelly roll fashion and served with ice cream.

The Penance service at Church was very nice. There were five priests available for private confession after the service. I was pleased to be able to go to Fr. Howard Johnson who was my pastor at Blessed Trinity Parish several years ago. He is a gentle and good man.

So now it is almost time for bed and I am writing this with Miss Roxie on my lap. She has become very needy these days.

So until tomorrow. I intend to mix the dough for my Christmas Stollen tomorrow. Then I can bake it on Saturday.

God love you


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