Tuesday, December 08, 2009

Today was another marathon.

I was able to stay home until 10AM. I got a lot done during that time. I heard from Dr. Sokhi, who is trying to fix my tummy. He is pleased that, at least my stomach does not hurt at night anymore, and had prescribed another medication that he hopes will stop the pain during the rest of the day.

At 10AM, I went to Mass. It is the Feast of the Immaculate Conception, a holy day in our church. I was able to go and did not have to face the weather we may be facing tomorrow, so I went. It was a nice Mass. The church was full. With the school kids and lots of adult members. I do enjoy Father Van Beeck's sermons to the children.

I went directly from Mass to the Sewing Basket and bought my Barbara's Christmas presents. Then I went to Walgreens to pick up my new prescription, a prescription for Dick and some real bargains that Walgreens had for sale. Got some really good prices on groceries and vitamins.

We had soup and quesadilla for lunch and then I took a nap.

At 2:00PM I got up, go the mail and then went to get a haircut. After the haircut I went to the Pig to do the grocery shopping because it is supposed to be REALLY bad out there tomorrow and Dick wanted me to have that chore all done.

So. It IS all done. But I am exhausted. I am supposed to have a dentist appointment at 9AM tomorrow morning. I will look at the streets when Chelsea gets me up at "the Good Lord Knows When" during the night. Mother already told me that she does not want to chance going out for the play tomorrow night. If it is as bad as they say, the play may be cancelled anyway. I don't want to go if it is dangerous either. Sufficient unto the day.

This morning I put a small venison roast in the slow cooker and used my Venison Beer stew recipe to cook it. It worked just fine. Boy is that a good meal. And to think that for years I could not make a good stew to save my soul. Oh. Well. I have this one and one other which is much more labor intensive but good.

Well, I am going to watch, A Year Without A Santa Claus, and have a cup of tea until it is time to go to bed.

Stay safe in all of this bad weather. It seems to be all over the country.

God love you all.


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