Sunday, September 20, 2009

An I did get to stay home all day today. What a nice day.

Chelsea woke me up at 3AM for a quick outing. She had a heck of a time too. I found myself dreaming that the animals were in bed with me and it took a while to realize that she was trying to tell me that it was time for a potty call.

I got up at 6:30AM. I fed creatures and dressed Dick's wound and then Chelsea and I went for a nice walk in the crisp Autumn air. It was in the upper 40s which is really nice for walking. We really did not see anyone out there this morning. I guess people sleep late on Sunday morning. Except for Chelsea and me.

It was nice to just be able to do things at my own pace here at home. I prepared a couple of long emails, mixed up a sour dough starter, and shucked corn. Then I woke Dick up from his nap so we could watch the Packer game and eat our lunch of corn and tomato salad. The lunch was good, the Packers were crappy. I now am one out of being eliminate in one of my Fantasy football leagues. Two and you are out. Aaron Rogers got no protection and the defense stunk. You can't win with that combination.

We were watching some of the early Cosby shows. When we got to the one about Rudy's goldfish dying and Cliff deciding to have a funeral for the thing, I remembered a story about Bart and one of our goldfish. I went up in the boys bedroom to feed it one day and it was lying dead in the water - broken. I asked Bart about it, he was only about 4 years old. He looked me right in the eye and said, " I bit it." So that was the end of that pet.

He never did anything like that before or after that and was really very unusual. I guess the fish looked pretty and interesting.

In Cosby, Cliff often says, " I brought you into this world , I can take you out." This reminded me of a friend who used to say that her mother always said to her. "You had better shape up or I will rip off your arm and beat you with the bloody stump."

As we delighted in saying this to our children and they would giggle, I don't think that threat had much impact.

Have a good week.



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