Friday, September 25, 2009

Today was a day of mixed blessings.

Dick and I each had appointments at the Plymouth Aurora Clinic. I spent the morning cleaning bathrooms. It is nice not to have to do the floors.

Dick had his appointment with Deb at the Anti-coagulation clinic. I told you that Dick has been taking antibiotics for about 2 weeks now. He should have called Deb right away. Antibiotics can goof up the coagulation levels and boy did they. You know how the count is supposed to be between 2 and 3. It is now at 8. He is really really thin now. SO, he stops the meds for the next couple of days and Deb will retest him on Monday. No blood thinners for three days should drop him back to at least close to normal.

My appointment was with Dr. Fehrman. I told him all my concerns. He checked my leg and says that all is OK. He said that because he repaired two tears AND smoothed out the arthritis, it will take several months before the pain is gone. The good days and bad days are normal as my knee readjusts and heals. He assured me that I cannot damage anything and should just keep exercising as I can. If it hurts too badly, I should just rest for a day. I am to see him again in two months unless the pain is gone by then. So I just have to keep working at it.

Dick and I then went to the Wilderness again for lunch. Dick wanted a perch dinner again. I ordered liver and onions and really grossed him out. It was delicious liver and onions and I have enough left for a nice sandwich tomorrow.

I solved a couple of financial puzzles today and worked on CWI papers.

Then this evening Nancy picked me up and we went to shoot pistol at Rhine. My first two were rather disappointing but the last one was OK. Doc said that it scored out at 57 so that will take the sting out of the other two. Nancy and I visited with several of the other people before heading home again.

The weekend looks pleasant. I am going to the Quilt show with Bobbie tomorrow and Mass in the evening. Sunday I get to stay home all day and rest. Yippee.

Take care and I hope you enjoy your weekend too.



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