Saturday, September 26, 2009

A full day. I didn't get up until 6:30AM. As you can well imagine, Roxie was a bit irritated but forgave me when I fed her.

Chelsea and I had a lovely walk. It had rained during the night and everything was clean and fresh and it was a bit crisp which is always pleasant walking.

I picked up SHARE today at 9AM. The rest of the morning was spent here, blessedly. I made a fruit salad We got a really sweet cantaloupe from share and my dear friend Janet gave me a small watermelon. It has yellow meat. I have seen them in the store but never ate one before. It is sweet as can be. I added a few blueberries from the Easy Blueberry Pie that I made this morning too. I almost forgot about that.

Actually we have lots of main dishes to eat but I needed side salads etc. So now tomorrow, I can just serve what we have. I am going over to the Lemkuil's tomorrow to harvest marigold blossoms for a batch of marigold wine. If they are available, and Bobbie is coming to make her wines so I have help, I might as well go for it. That is such a special wine. I just remember to check the recipe to see what I will need to finish it.

Bobbie and I met at one o'clock at Southside Alliance Church for the Sheboygan County Quilt Guild's annual Quilt show. It was really very good. Lots of beautiful quilts, lots of vendors. The baby quilts that are the guild's big project are hung all around the balcony above. (The guild has sent over 2300 quilts to Children's Hospital, since they started the project.) We had a great time hopefully getting reved up to get quilting again. I saw Lucy, a local quilter/teacher who said that there is a Plymouth Quilting Group that meets on the first Tuesday of each month at the Plymouth Library at 1PM. I think I will join them.

Did I mantion how irritated Roxie was Thursday night because I was so late coming home? During the night when Dick got up and was sitting at his desk, she walked over to him, put both paws on his shoulder and just Yelled right into his ear. She wanted him to know how upset she was. In this mix, I am the provider of food etc, the servant, but Dick she adores.

Anyway it was a nice weekend day. Fun and busy. Now is the time to wind down for the night and get to bed at a good hour. I have been wishing that perhaps I could stay in bed a bit longer in the mornings so I don't want to stay up late.



The following was in the Sheboygan Press today. I liked it enough to share.

Man Laws

-- No man shall ever turn down free beer... for any reason. Never. Ever. Seriously, Never.
-- Grilling, regardless of weather, is always the first choice for cooking.
-- Hiding your beer in the fridge is strictly forbidden. Besides...sharing is caring.
-- A man should never be denied the right to adjust himself or place his hands down his pants under any circumstances.
-- A man should never tell another man that his zipper is down. It's his own damn problem and you never looked "there" to begin with.
-- While at a sporting event, you must walk "B to F" (BUTT TO FACE) when leaving your seat. This is so you do not miss any of the cheerleaders' performance (since you obviously never get up to pee while the ball is in play).
-- If you are placed on the Jumbotron at a sporting event, you are to offer a simple wave or raise of your glass. Acting like an idiot is strictly forbidden. A man should act like Barry Sanders... you've been there before and will be there again — show some class. Exception: You have more body paint on than clothing. In that case — go for it.
-- A man is permitted to build his "Man Cave" in anyway he wishes. However NO "Man Cave" shall ever include: A fridge incapable of holding a case of beer, "Fat Free" potato chips, and any variation of the color pink.
-- A man purse is still a purse.

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