Saturday, August 29, 2009

I learned a few things today.

Yesterday and the day before, I did some vacuuming. My knee hurt like Billy be Damned. Today, I did virtually nothing and it feels much better. I am a slow learner or as Dick says a slow accepterer (not a word but you KNOW what I mean.)

We had a very sedate day, watching the pre funeral and the funeral Mass for Ted Kennedy. Even his foes respected him. He spent 47 years in the Senate and never wavered from his beliefs in all those years. He never tried to hide his warts and never worried about what people thought of him if he had a mission. He believed that those who have been given much have an obligation to help those to whom little has been given. That does not mean giving up your place in society or not expecting others to help themselves. It means that help needs to be offered.

I found out that in 1954 when he was a Junior at Harvard (albiet with a rocky start) he was sent a recruiting feeler from the Green Bay Packers. WOW. He passed, deciding to go for his law degree. I am sure that most of you heard the wonderful tributes from his sons and President Obama. All three of his children had medical problems and he was a rock for them during them all. I know that he suffered himself from constant pain from his back injury, something that I can understand as my son Bart also suffers from constant back pain.

I always felt a bit of a kinship with the Kennedys. They are Irish, we are Irish, they had nine children, we had nine children, they were Roman Catholic, we are Roman Catholic. John and Jacquie Kennedy lost a baby the same year that my Tony died. Ted's humor reminds me of my Dad's humor. My he rest easy in the palm of the Lord's hand.

So, I spent most of the day watching the tributes.

I made a turkey breast and stuffing for our supper. Boy was that good. I have lots left. We will be eating turkey for quite a while and I can share.

Tomorrow is another quiet day. I am going pistol shooting with Nancy in the afternoon but the rest of the day will be spent at home.

Take care and let me know of anything exiting in your lives.

Two little quips I got in my email:

1. What part of Europe are you from. The part whose ass we saved or the part whose ass we kicked.

2. Question: How many retirees to change a light bulb?
Answer: Only one, but it might take all day.

Enjoy your Sunday.



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