Monday, August 24, 2009

When I left for Bible Study, Dick was still in bed. I left him with some juice, iced tea, a pear and a scone. Pretty good service if you ask me.

We had nine people at bible study. A nice showing. Mark is an interesting study that leads us to all kinds of current problems that I am sure the early Christians faced too. We touched on the health care initiative among other things. One thing that struck me in the commentary today was the statement that the early Christians were not dealing with the Old and the New Testament or any conflicts. The New Testament didn't exist, it was BEING WRITTEN. Isn't that some thing to wrap your mind around.

Mom and I had a nice visit. I brought her some scones, brown bread, mac and cheese and a sausage and she gave me some of Jeff's corn on the cob which we had for dinner tonight. BOY was it good. She is feeling good and is going to the Senior Center tomorrow for lunch. Good for her and good for Lucy, her friend who drives them. Lucy had some health problems but is apparently back on track. Pray for Lucy. She is so sweet and refers to Mother and a couple of other older ladies as "Her Ladies".

When I got home, we had lunch and then I took a nap. Betsy called me back this afternoon. Her mother, Dorothy, had moved into Pine Haven Assisted Living and there are SO many details that have to be taken care of. Fortunately, Dorothy is not unhappy about the move. She has said that she really likes the food. At least the family knows that she is in a safe place. But Betsy is really tired. There is always more than we realize when such big transitions take place. We had hoped to have lunch or something while she was here but there is no time. So. I can be glad that we had a good telephone visit and next time will plan better.

I called Dr. Moreno about Dick's callous this morning. We are OK. I am much relieved. We need to keep checking it, BUT it was probably caused from a fold in his sock which caused irritation. I have to watch it. We have to be very careful of things that can irritate. He can start walking again. We will see Tim the prosthesis man tomorrow and he can double check the inside of the shoe. I am so relieved. I don't believe that I can go through another open sore event. I am way to tired.

So I am saved from that this time.

Take Care


I received this as an email and thought it funny.

Word is out that the Vikings got
$4,500.00 for Bret Favre
from the Federal Government.

Cash for Clunkers!

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