Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Today was an exhausting day. We had to get Dick all washed and changed and inspected before 10AM. His appointment with the prosthesist was at 10:30. I got up at 6:15AM but there is so much to do just to get to breakfast every morning.

The callous that has the blister, looks much better now. It is still drying up but has not opened into an open sore. For this I am so grateful. Tim replaced the strap on the shoe on Dick's leg. We needed to shorten the strap. So far it seems to be helping keep the foot in position. We have to stop him from rolling the foot.
It went well, I think. We found out how long things should last and that they will notify us when regular inspections are needed. We can always call if there are problems that need to be addressed, but mainly, we are done. All we need to do is get Dick on his feet and walking.

I have this little problem. Three or four months ago, I bought tickets for a play at the Fireside with Lee and Janice Lemkuil, they are part of the Amputee Support Group that I go to and that Dick should be going to. At that time it seemed very reasonable that he would be walking and able to be more mobile. I still want to go. We have almost a month yet to prepare. So tomorrow I have to tell him what I did and face his discomfort. He loves the Fireside and we would be using wheelchairs. Lee is a double amputee. The seating allows for this. So wish me luck.

We had slow cooker pork chops that were just super for lunch along with colannon. Tonight we had soup. Boy are we lucky.

I spent the afternoon starting to get ready for the workshop that I am going to do for CWI on Music of the Celtic Nations and catching up on emails and things for the Celtic Mass on September 13. Thursday will be the first choir rehearsal. That will be fun. I miss choir but don't want to be committed to being away from home one night of every week. I didn't tell you this, but when I took the worship folder to Sandy with MY changes, she told me Fr. Bob's changes and he wants to give credit to me for writing the front page. I have never asked for that but think that it is nice and will be pleased to be acknowledged for it. I think it is good this year. Though other years have made me happy too. I like to share Celtic customs and beliefs with others. After the Faire, I will print it here for you all. It would be nice if you could come to the Mass and Faire. They are really fun.

Take care.



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