Thursday, August 27, 2009

It was chilly today. We have hardly had a summer. Mother said she talked to Nora today and it is HOT in Dallas.

We spent the morning getting everybody fed and cleaned up and I made a couple of important business calls. Then Dick had to be at the Plymouth Clinic at 10:30AM for his anti coagulation check. Yippee! The count was 2.7. Just right so we don't have to go back for a whole month.

We had more of that chicken for our lunch - Got a fridge full of salads and leftovers. Tomorrow we will have our usual summer corn and tomatoes for supper.

Tonight I went to choir practice for Celtic Mass at Blessed Trinity. It was good seeing my friends and singing with them again. Beth put the words that I wrote from St. Paul to the tune of The Water is Wide on paper and we will sing it at the prelude. I have a couple of credits in the worship folder, two songs and the introduction. Isn't that cool?

I actually spent about an hour this afternoon reading. I have been planning to set time aside each day to do so and hopefully this is the beginning of putting this plan in motion.

Saturday Ted Kennedy will be buried. He has, I believe, been a man of honor. He made some mistakes but stood up to them and lived them down with service. I loved the Irish expression that is being used, he grew old enough to comb gray hair. He, in his elegy to John Kennedy Jr. regretted that John did not grow to that stage of life.

Well. It is now time to sleep.

Tomorrow will be a quiet day, I hope to wax creative.



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