Sunday, July 05, 2009

Update on Oscar. He still is not eating. I have offered him every kind of food that I can think of, The only thing he has eaten with any enthusiasm in the past two days is some of Bobbie's catnip. I have offered him everything that I can think of. Everything from fresh tuna to canned cat food to freshly cooked chicken and broth. He sniffs at it and then turns away. From the size of the lump in his side, I am sure there is not room for food. I have decided to call Dr. Pat tomorrow morning and arrange for him to be put down. I am not up to watching him just starve to death. I hope he understands. There will never be a kitty as sweet at our Oscar.

I went to the 9:30 Mass this morning. I had intended to go last night but the day just got away from me yesterday.

I spent a good portion of the afternoon, watering the gardens and planting the herbs. Everything looks very healthy and strong and I finally saw some tomatoes set on the cherry tomato plant. There are buds on the Roma also. So. I should be OK. The broccoli plants are all growing like crazy. I figure I should be OK on tomatoes, broccoli and herbs. The rest I can buy or, as Jeff says, they will have excess. Bobbie and Bill usually go on vacation in late summer and we get to glean a bit too.

We called Jim and Michelle tonight. They sound good. They spent the 4th with Bart and Barb and Don and Marlise and enjoyed their day immensely. It is good to have family close.

Michelle has been in touch with her brother in Tulsa and they are in hopes of getting together with him soon.

I talked to Barb this evening when she was on her walk. (She is having trouble with her ankle and will see the doctor tomorrow. We plan on sharing our diagnosis on Wednesday.) I was remembering that Bart, as a little person, hated loud noises and the 4th of July was almost torture for him. I think the noise hurt his ears.

On 4th of July, his Dad had a truck driver friend who dropped off lots and lots of fireworks that were really great and really illegal. Among them were sparklers that were at least three feet long and 3/4 inch in diameter. Boy were they impressive. They lasted forever. All of our neighbors were at our house enjoying the fun. Nobody sent any complaints about the skyrockets and other stuff because everybody was there.

But, poor little Bart and I were in the living room, sitting on the couch. I had my arm around his little shoulders and was holding his little hand and reassuring him that the noise would stop soon and that there was no reason for him to be worried or scared at all. Barb said he is still not thrilled with fireworks. Funny that he was assigned to artillery for a while in the service.

So. Lets pray for our guys and gals in danger overseas, that they come home soon.

Take care.

Until tomorrow.


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