Friday, July 10, 2009

Another full day. I finally got up at about 6:15AM. Since we had to be at Wisconsin Prosthesis at 9AM, we did not have much time for dilly dallying. So we just kept on a movin'. Again. Good news. Tim kept the new prosthesis to send it in to be made final as there is nothing more he can do to make it better. So for one week, we are on his old one. He just has to keep walking and standing to increase his ability to do so. We were quite pleased.

So we were home shortly after 10Am and I was able to get the kitchen cleaned before leaving for lunch with my bank friends. We had a nice time. Poor Betty had another story. I told her it was worth coming to the lunches just to hear of her adventures. This time, she was at Curves and the wind took a sign from a neighboring business and just raked her car. $1700 worth of damage. The most interesting part is that the owners of the sign tried to take the sign back without notifying her. Another Curve's patron saw it and saw them taking the sign and told Betty.

After lunch, home again and I took a nap. Bobbie and Bill got here at about 3PM. Bobbie and I racked her rhubarb/elderberry and mixed up her box (I forgot the name) so we were busy ladies. Then Bobbie and Bill went to Dee O Malley's for pizza for our supper. It was scrumptious. Scrumptious is such a wonderful word for food.

Now it is almost time to go to bed.

I was reading my instructions for before the minor surgery that I will be having on my knee on the 23rd. One of the instructions is "Bathe or shower at home the evening before or the morning of your surgery."

All I could think of was the story of my Dad when he had his surgery 37 years ago to replace his hip. He had to go into the hospital a couple of days ahead of time. They had to, at that time, shave and scrub his leg several times before doing this surgery to make sure that there was not danger of infection.

A funny note to this story. My Grandma, Matie Bowser told Dad that it reminded her of the man from Town Lyndon, who was admitted to the hospital and had to be washed every day for seven days before he was clean enough for them to treat.



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