Saturday, July 25, 2009

Today was the hardest day. I woke up so very sore. I made an adjustment. Today, I have been taking two of the Vicadin (I don't know if it is spelled right and I don't care.) every four to 6 hours.

They make me kind of sick feeling so I take them and then lie down for an hour or so. It is working and I do believe that the pain is lessening a bit.

It has been a quiet day by necessity. Kate picked up my SHARE today and brought it her and put it away. That was our only visitor.

Got a cute message from Bobbie about "Chelsea's fun day at camp". Chelsea is doing just fine. She is eating and talking Bobbie into lots of walks and outside time. I am so grateful that Bobbie was able to do this. I miss Chelsea being here but could not be taking her out yet. I expect that each day will now see improvement and soon we will be ready again to have our girl. I hope she will have us, after meals with fresh gravy and new territory to explore.

Actually, I can hardly wait until we can be doing our longer walks again. I missed them too.

Barb and Bart called tonight. They are fine. It was so good to hear their voices.

I took the wrapping off this afternoon. There is no swelling and there was no bleeding. So I guess all is well. There are just three little incisions, each with one little stitch.

Tomorrow, maybe I will be able to be more stimulating. Tonight I am just tired and still sore.



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