Friday, July 24, 2009

I got up at 6AM. No Chelsea to wake me up but I was ready and so was Roxie. She was a hungry girl.

I hurt today. I have done some of my exercises and have been trying to put cold packs on more often but it hurts. So. I have decided to take two pain pills every four hours for a day or two to stay ahead of that pain until it gets under control. I am very early with this tonight because I am intending to go to bed and just stay there til morning. I hope that total inactivity will help me heal. I think I have done enough stretching and moving today anyway.

I worked on the worship folder for St.Michaels today. I hope to get that sent to Beth by Tuesday so she has lots of time to get it printed. The time is getting close. I have to be healed by then and the next week is Irish Fest. It will be pretty disappointing if I can't walk pain free by then. I imagine that once the healing begins it will go very fast.

I took two naps today. Roxie liked that.

Jeff and Kathy stopped by this afternoon with currants for wine and some early veggies. A nice sweet zucinni and some leave lettuce and spinach. We had a wonderful chef salad for supper. All those wonderful greens with other veggies with teriyaki chicken sliced into it. Nummy.

Today, working on the worship folder reminded me of something said at Bible Study on Monday. We were talking about the picture of walking up to the Pearly Gates and finding St. Peter with his book and a feather pen with ink well to hear our story. Then Peggy said that she thinks that St. Peter must have a computer by now.

Actually, since the stock market and the Mercantile work with colored jackets and sign language quite effectively, I think that St. Peter probably does allright with his pen and book too.

Til tomorrow. Perhaps things will be less sore then. I WAS warned.


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