Sunday, July 26, 2009

A strange Sunday with no Mass. I prayed though. But it just isn't the same.

I had another rotten morning. It was noon before the kinks got out of my body and I was able to move almost normally. I guess that must be normal. I feel pretty good tonight, stiff but bearable.

I rested a lot today. I also got the worship folder for Fr. Shea's mass put together. After Beth's approval, I can get it to her for copying. One down, one to go. The one for Blessed Trinity is easy, I just need to write a new cover sheet and make sure that Sandy has the songs and all. She does all the work and an excellent job at that.

So that was our day. Dick talked to Bobbie and Chelsea is doing just fine. She is eating better than she does here. I miss her and hope I will be more mobile soon so she can come home.

Now I am going to bed. Pray that tomorrow morning will not be a repeat of today.


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