Saturday, November 08, 2008

We had snow off and on all day today. It was mixed with rain. When Chelsea and I went for the walk it was kind of sprinkling. To top it off, my sox kept sliding down into my boots, SO, we did not walk very far.

I washed the sheets this morning and folded two loads of clothes. Had to bring Dick his shorts and some clean tshirts. Then I went over to spend the morning with him at about 9AM. That time seems to be a good start time. It gives me plenty of time to get ready without rushing AND to spend some time with Chelsea.

Without therapy, it was pretty quiet for us. Peggy, the wife of the guy across the hall from Dick, came in and we had a visit. She is the one that has joined our Plymouth writers club. Actually, there was a bit of excitement today, one of the noisier residents was yelling, she sometimes gets pretty wild.

I left at 11:30AM to eat lunch and walk the dog. I have finished the Christmas stitcheries that I was working on and have moved on to the rabbit tea cup holder that I bought at the Quilt Show. That won't take too long, I can see already. Guess I'll go back to some crocheting, maybe another little critter or some cancer hats.

Dick and I decided that tomorrow we are going to start playing cribbage again too. We will see how much we remember. It has been years. When we were dating, Dick taught me to play because we needed someway to spend out evenings. We weren't bar people and after a while one runs out of movies so we needed something. We played for several years for $100.00 a game. He still says I owe him thousands. I know I ended up behind but me thinks he exaggerates.

The Center was serving stew tonight, so I took out a container of mine and went over and ate it with him.

I went to church at 4PM so now tomorrow I can be kind of lazy.

Take care.



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