Thursday, November 06, 2008

Well, I believe that the Indian Summer is about over. It was pleasant enough when Chelsea and I took our walk but started raining before the morning was over with.

I did stay home today. However, I had to leave twice for the car. First, Gary called and told me to come between 11:30 and 12:00. I did and it was not quite ready, so I came home and had lunch, then went back to get it. It looks great. He had it waiting inside the building so I would not have to get wet starting out.

I worked on the bank accounts today. I am all caught up, though there are some refinements that I want to do if I have to continue with this.

The only three exciting things that happened today were the following:

At about noon, the doorbell rang. I went to see who it was. It was the van from Aurora and the gentleman, who had previously made deliveries, said that he was here to pick up the wheel chair. Obviously, I was taken aback and told him that the chair was not here and asked why he was picking it up anyway. I asked why nobody had called. Then he said that he HAD called, so we looked at the order and it was not our number. He started to laugh about then as he looked that the address which was on June Grass, not Tallgrass. He said he pulled into the complex and since he had been here a couple of times before just assumed that this was the place. Pretty bad when I was thinking that they were taking a wheelchair away from a man without a leg. Glad we settled that. I told him that he would make the blog tonight.

I talked to Jeff tonight. We are trying to figure out how to builthe ramp that we need for Dick. Jeff is such a help. I know that we can't bring Dick home without one. He said he will call when he and Randy go out in the woods to check out our hunting spots. I don't see any reason why I won't be able to hunt this year. I can ask someone to be checking in on Dick.

The other exciting thing was that I ran into the order from the Tastefully Simple party that I had attended a couple of weeks ago. I had two items on back order. There was no designated delivery date but it has been a while, so I called Jan. She had just received it on Tuesday, so brought it over tonight and we had a nice visit.

Tomorrow I have a dentist appointment and several errands.

Guess that is all. Take care of yourself. You are worth it.



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