Wednesday, November 05, 2008

This was supposed to be another day in the 70s but it did not make it. Chelsea keeps waking me up before 5 but I am letting her out and then going right back to bed and sleeping until 6. It is becoming light then, so we take our walk right away. She is still perky on those walks.

I was supposed to pick up the Explorer at 9AM. SO. I did a few things around her, took Dick a clean shirt, gassed up the loaner and went to the bank on my way over to the Auto Repair Center. Gary and I took care of the payment and all, then Gary said that he wanted me to look at one thing on the Explorer. I was confused. We went out and he asked me to look at the hood. There were pits scattered over a good portion of the hood. He asked me if I knew what they were and I said, " The Glass." I remembered that there was glass all over my hood after the accident. He said that this is all he had to hear.

I don't have the car yet. They are going to repaint the hood too. I am sure glad this came out. I might not have noticed until there was serious rust this winter. So. I will be picking it up tomorrow or the next day.

I stopped at the Care Center and caught Dick in the middle of his shower, Occupational Therapy and getting his leg re-bandaged. So I decided to go and do my grocery shopping and fix lunch. I got back as he was finishing PHYSICAL THERAPY and we went upstairs and I ate my lunch with him.

I came home at about 4PM with a stop at WalMart to buy more minutes for Dick's Cell AND I found him two new shirts. I ate supper here with Chelsea and then went back to spend part of the evening with him..

Tomorrow, we decided that I am staying home. With any luck at all, I will not have to go ANYWHERE. I want to rest and just putter and work on the computer.

There is a football game tomorrow night. Good thing I get a warning.

Did I tell you that my Bret tried out for Pop Warner Football when he was young. It was the only sport that he tried out for that he did not want to stay the season. It really surprised me because he loved watching it on TV. He had played baseball and basketball for years but did not like PLAYING football. He still likes watching it. Oh well, for years he did not like avocados but loved guacamole.

Maxine says/ "Voting is like choosing your favorite mosquito out of a swarm."


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