Saturday, November 15, 2008

I met Jeff, Randy and Jessica out this side of Dundee at the spot we go deer hunting. We checked out all the spots and cleaned them up and "repaired" benches and seats. It was a bit chilly, but the wind they had mentioned was not noticeable in the woods which were beautiful. The trails were covered with leaves. Makes it a bit tricky because one has to be more careful not to slip, but it is nice and soft.

We went in past Cory's spot so that we could see the big deer rub that we had heard about. If it is indeed a rub it must be either a huge deer of a mighty aggressive one.

Then we walked on to Shane's spot. He won't be here until the end of the week. We have to go over ruins of the rock fence that we figure great grandpa Joseph built when this was the Bowser homestead.

These treks are fun. Shane was the second one to shoot at that big deer that Randy got the year before last. I saw it too when Shane shot, and I waited for it to reappear closer to me but it went around back of the ridge across from me. It did make it to Randy anyway and he was a happy happy camper.

When we left there, we went to the spot that I was at last year. Jeff is going to sit there. He is being exceptionally good to his old sister and letting me use his spot which is easy to get to and close to the road. He has also done very well there. It seems to be a place that the deer travel a lot and he wants me to fill out at least once.

Next on to Jessie's place where she and I shot to see how accurate we are. Jessie was right on. I was low and to the left. I did get it lined up but have to remember to shoot a bit higher.
Randy and Jessie then went up to Randy's spot and Jeff and I over to "his" spot. When he started hunting this place there was a nice tree there. He had made a bench below and had a nice seat up in the crook of the tree which gave him a bird's eye view of the lanes. Over the years, his tree has died. All that is left is a crumbling stump and some rotting branches. We got the lanes cleared out and reinforced the bench and then were done. We did well. I got home shortly after 11AM, took a shower, a load of wash and ate lunch. Then I went over to see Dick. I tried to take a nap but my tooth started to throb, so I came home and took some Tylenol an lay down here. I went to Mass at 4PM.

Dick and I visited from about 5:30 to 7:30 and now I am home for the evening. Tomorrow, I am staying home until 2:30PM. Then Nancy Roehre and I are going to shoot some pistol. I will stop to give Dick a hug on my way home and stay home for the rest of the evening.

We have decided that I need rest so I will to stay in my cave except for that short jaunt. I intend to nap at least twice. Chelsea will be beside herself.

Be happy and pray for us as I pray for all of you.

Tomorrow is the big Raffle at St. John the Baptist. Some of you have tickets. The drawing is after the 10:45AM Mass. They will call all the winners so be near your phone.



Randy and Jes

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