Saturday, October 11, 2008

I think Chelsea went bonkers overnight. She woke me up at 4AM. She was pacing so much that I took her out just to relieve herself, then tried to go back to sleep. I finally got up at a little before 5 and walked and fed her. Then I took my shower, ate breakfast and took a nap.

I stopped over to see Dick on my way to the Legion of Mary Mass and Brunch. Not a good start to the day. The wound on his right leg (the good one) had started to bleed. This might not be a BAD thing as it shows that there is circulation to the wound BUT on the other had is it a problem. I was uncertain as to whether I should be gone for the day or not but Jacki, one of the nurses, pointed out that he can bleed just as good with or without me and that they would take good care of him.

I arrived at Mother's at almost 9:30AM and we walked over to church to join the "Legion" in the rosary and then the following Mass. While we were waiting for the Mass, Fran Johnson asked if I would do the first reading and the psalm. So I did. Mother was trying to figure out how I got that job. I told her I did not know but when Fran asked, I figured that it was meant to be my gift that day. Fr. Theison was the celebrant and Deacon Bill Jens the co celebrant. They are both wonderful men of God. Deacon Bill said that he is so sorry to hear about Dick and has him held up in prayer each day. That is SO comforting. God listens to Deacon Bill. I know. Fr. Theison asked what was happening, overhearing part of the conversation. He said he did not remember Dick. When I told him that was probably because Dick was not of our faith, he got a twinkle in his eye and said that I should tell Dick that God won't mind. He will be praying too.

After Mass, we went down for the usual lovely brunch that the Legion regulars provide each year. Wonderful pastries, an egg dish, deviled eggs, cheese and juice and coffee. Then door prizes. Mother and I each got one. A lovely dish with shells and a light in it. This was to symbolize the seashore as the theme was the Footprints in the Sand story.

I went right from there to Sheboygan to Mead for the Sheboygan County Writer's Club's presentation of the winners of their Big Read contest. A fiction writing contest. We published a third book of writings from the members who wanted to contribute and the members read their work. The attendance was very poor despite lots of publicity. Such a shame, but one gentleman, a bit different, came and was our very best audience member. He enjoyed all the treats, and cheered on each participant and clapped the very hardest. I hope if we do this again, he comes. Sometimes the best presents, even people, come in strange packages. He was a treasure.

Then home again to take Chelsea out and over to visit my guy. He was feeling much better by then and the bleeding was checked. There was none on the fresh gauze on his foot. Jim and Michelle brought a batch of super brocolli cheese soup and bisquits over for supper for all of us. We ate in the sun room. Then they took things home and came back to play a game of rummy with us. They stopped at Culvers for ice cream. Couldn't ask for a better evening than that, could we?

Richard called this evening too so it was a good day. I feel much more relaxed.

Love Mary

This is the poem in the booklet that the Sheboygan County Writers just published. I hope you enjoy it.


By: Mary J. Kunert

Precious in my heart
Is the scent of the sweet neck of my newborn son
As he sleeps on my shoulder.

Precious in my mind
Is the memory of a flight, harnessed to a parachute, into the clouds
That gave me a vision of freedom.

Precious in my ear
Is the sound of the rain on the roof drumming me to sleep
In the soft cozy nest of my bed.

Precious on my skin
Is the caress of my love when he drapes his arm around my shoulders
And gently strokes my arm.

Precious in my mouth
Is the taste of snowflakes or strawberries or s'mores by a campfire
Each to its own season.

These moments tucked in my being
Are part of what I am
Precious souvenirs that need no shelf or wall.
To take me back to their beginning.

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