Tuesday, October 07, 2008

Today was a much better day all around.

I got up way too early. Chelsea fooled me. She came bouncing around at what must have been 5:30AM and I misread the clock and got up with her. I couldn't figure out why it was not getting lighter until I got back home and saw that it was only a bit after 6. Oh well, she won't get me again.

I took a nap after my shower as I was still very tired, then did a few things around here before heading to the Care Center. And Nora called to see how things were going.

Dick had a much better night. He said he slept pretty well for him and he was all washed and fed. He ate toast and bacon for breakfast.

He is getting breathing treatments again as he is still coughing up phlegm. I watched when Jacki changed the dressing on his right foot and the wound looks pretty good. Dick went down for an initial physical therapy just before lunch and we have "a plan." He is also being transferred to his bed for an hour in the morning and an hour in the afternoon so there are different pressures on his bottom. We don't need bedsores and so far have avoided that curse.

I ate lunch with him in his room. It was delicious. Pork chop, potato casserole, green beans and a piece of cake. He ate a bit of everything, but not much. He really liked the casserole though.

Then I came home for the afternoon. I caught up on our bill paying and Quicken and made a cauliflower salad for my lunches and took another nap.

I took some of the salad and a cupcake with me back to the center so we could sup together again. This time I convinced him to go down to the dining room. I think he needs to get out and moving as much as possible. After we were done, we just sat together working puzzles until it was time for me to come home.

Tomorrow there will be more therapy and Mary, the head nurse and Laura the therapist may try to get him able to use the standing lift instead of the sling, which will be great to get him stronger and much easier on him and his dignity.

Tomorrow night I will be going to 52 Stafford for the CWI meeting and the music. I am so looking forward to the break.

Have a nice sleep. Sleep is so healing.



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