Sunday, August 24, 2008

A perfectly lovely Sunday. The only place I had to go was to Bobbie and Bill's to feed my baby kitties. Jim and Michelle rode along with me this afternoon. That made it a little easier. They seem glad to see me. Of course, I am feeding them and that is probably why. But I got to pet them and cuddle them for a bit.

The rest of the day was REALLY full. I washed several loads. We got a notice that they are going to power wash and stain the decks this week so they need to be empty or the doers will pass us by. I moved most of the plants to the front porch and will get the rest tomorrow.All that is left is the table and chairs, the fryer and two BIG plants. I can pretty much put those things on a plastic sheet in the bedroom.

I had an excess of several spring vegetables too. So I froze some tomatoes, zucchini and beans. Thin I boiled eggs and potatoes for a potato salad for tomorrow.

Michelle called early this afternoon offering to bring dinner over tonight. She made a chicken, brocolli, cheese casserole. It was truly delicious.

And that was the day.

Another week started. Wednesday and Thursday are the BIG medical days for Dick. Please keep us in your prayers.



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