Monday, August 25, 2008

A full day. I got up shortly after 6AM and Chelsea and I went walking. We were not alone today. Several other walkers are taking advantage of this beautiful weather. It was in the low 50s and nice and clear.

When we got home, I made a few calls to health care providers. I left messages, BUT two of them got back to me before I left for bible study. I reached Rachel, our VNA nurse, and she will have a nurse come out on Friday, instead of tomorrow, as I think I really would like someone the day after Dick's surgery. He is an outpatient and will probably come home right away on Thursday. I reached the surgery department this afternoon and they will let us know tomorrow, what time he has to be there and what to expect.

Tomorrow, I am going to Sheboygan Clinic to attend a Diabetes Education program called Plentiful Produce, which will cue us in on using the produce that is pouring into our world at this time of year. Then I have to take Dick for lab tests.

At 9AM, I went to bible study. There were 8 of us. We said special prayers for our friend, Judy Hendrickson, who died yesterday and her husband Gary. They were both in choir with me. But my fondest memory of Judy is at the end of one of our Parish Picnics. We were standing at the food table, dishing the last of the bars and cookies out to kids, free, and we kind of leaned back and looked at all these healthy children and both of us marveled and thanked God for all of them, so beautiful, healthy and charming. A moment of joy, shared. God has a special place for Judy.

I visited Mom. She had two letters from Nora for me to read. The first was about their boat tour in Europe. They had such a great time. The other is telling about their tentative schedule to be in Wisconsin in mid September. Leif's fraternity is having a big reunion along with another Madison celebration. They will have three or four days in Sheboygan county also. I hope I can have them over for a meal. I love cooking for people. By then Dick will be feeling much better. God willing. Then Nora called this afternoon, what a joy. My brothers and sisters are really rallying around. It is so comforting to feel the support and love.

At four I went over to Kate's and we got on a CWI conference call. It was very productive. We had nine of the board members on the like which is a good majority. I will be the president next year, starting at the end of January. There is a general meeting on September 13, in Chicago. I told them that I would be unable to attend, because I can't leave Dick that soon, but they will hook me up on a conference call, so I can be a part of the meeting. I told them that I want my presidency to concentrate of starting new branches around the country and the world, if possible. I have been working on putting together the steps Plymouth, me and Kate, did to get the quite active branch in Sheboygan County going. I will finish it and send it to Maureen and she will add her ideas and the things that she has done. We can then get it in a format that we can share with people who want to start branches.

Than home for the evening. I grilled a stuffed hamburger for our dinner, served along with a fresh batch of my potato salad. Num Num.

Talked to Bret tonight too. Just needed to hear him say, "Don't worry,Mom. It will be OKAY."

A quote from a little booklet that I found on retreat. "Don't sing for anyone else, except maybe for God. Sing for YOURSELF. Sing for the delight in it. Hum your way from parking place to work. Hum on your coffee break or even as you work. Let yourself enjoy this expression of your soul." I learned this from my Mother. And I hum and sing all the time, I am sure to the annoyance of many.




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