Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Hello at the end of this very, very long day.

We had to get up at 4:30AM so that we could get Dick to Sheboygan Memorial by 6:30AM for check in.

I just staggered out of bed and into the shower, then took Chelsea for he walk. IN THE DARK. Doesn't bother her but I am not thrilled with that scenario. We got out of here on time anyway. They checked him in at the front desk and the next hour was spent preparing him for the procedure. Everything was on time anyway. When you are the first or second there is less chance for delays because of complications. So He was back in the room by about 9:30AM or so. Then his "suffering" began. It is SO difficult for him to lie on his back and lie on his back he must - for four hours - which is just agony for him. Dr. Siddique had prescribed morphine and a tilted bed for him which helped immensely.

I HAD planned on zipping home to walk Chelsea at about noon, but Dr. Siddique had promised Dick that he would come up to talk to me about the results and it took much longer than we had anticipated for him to arrive. So, I started to worry and called Jim and Michelle, who, thank God, were between errands and went over to walk the poor little old lady dog. They also came over at about 4:30PM. and walked and fed her. This was so great because Chelsea, though naturally very happy to see us, was not frantic.

Anyway, Dr. Siddique said that everything went very well. An area between two stints had plugged and he opened it up. We are to call his nurse in about two months after he is healed from the surgery tomorrow and she will order another ultra sound so he can evaluate the need for more vein surgery. Sufficient unto the day. We will need to rest and Dick needs to heal.

So we finally got out of there at about 4:30PM and got home at about 5. We are exhausted.

I went grocery shopping and to get gas. I picked up a rotissary chicken for dinner. They are really good and SO tender. I will make a chicken salad and perhaps a casserole with the leftovers. A WHOLE chicken is several meals for us.

I really feel comforted. Several people have called to see how Dick did. It makes me feel not so alone. Tomorrow is the more major of the surgeries, but the shortest time in the hospital. We are being told he will be released around noon. My friend Kate is going to go with me and sit with me. I am SO glad.

All that is left tonight is to dress Dick's wounds and get a fresh sleeve and wrap on the right leg.

The Sheboygan County Fair has started and this weekend is also Harley's weekend. So the county is going to be really humming. We, however, will hole up in our little house and just watch Dick heal. Pray for us.

I will add a story that has been floating around the internet for a while. It reappeared this week and really IS funny.

Love Mary

> A little guy is sitting at the bar just staring at his drink
> for half an hour when
> this big trouble-making biker steps next to him, grabs his
> drink, gulps it down
> in one swig and then turns to the guy with a menacing
> stare as if to say,
> What'cha gonna do
> about it??
> The
> poor little guy starts crying.
> 'Come
> on, man. I was just giving you a hard time,' the biker
> says. 'I didn't think
> you'd CRY. I can't stand to see a man
> crying.'
> 'This is the worst day of my life,' says the little
> guy between sobs.
> 'I can't do anything right. I overslept and was
> late to an important meeting, so
> my boss fired me. When I went to the parking lot, I found
> my car was stolen and
> I don't have any insurance. I left my wallet in the cab
> I took home. I found my
> wife in bed with the gardener and my dog bit me. So I came
> to this bar trying to
> work up the courage to put an end to my life, and then you
> show up and drink the
> damn poison.

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