Friday, August 29, 2008

Things have gone very well today. I slept until 6:15AM and Chelsea and I had a very pleasant walk. It was a bit over 60 degrees which is good walking weather. Chelsea is a bouncy young pup on these walks but she spends most of the rest of the day sleeping. I can see her getting weaker. Tonight she slept almost 30 minutes past her normal dinner time. A first.

We sure like our little girl.

Dick had a good day. We have had no more severe bleeding incidents. There were a few spots during the day but nothing to be concerned about. A Diane from the Visiting Nurses Association came this morning and checked Dick out. She even changed the dressing on his right foot after she checked it out. So I had a day of just making sure Dick was OK on getting to and from the bathroom and bed.

My only excitement was going to the drug store. That turned out to be easy. Dick had "tried" to order his diabetic testing strips and a med online but got cut off. SO we were resigned to going through fiery hoops and lots of time before we were able to get the strips etc. When I got there, I started to explain my problem to the pharmacist and he just smiled and said that the prescriptions were ready. Apparently it had registered. Than heavens. He knew my concern as Medicare and diabetic testing stuff CAN be a real bear. But we are all set anyway. I told the guy he made my day. Then I picked up CHESLEA's preseriptions and went to the Pig to get some groceries and stamps.

I arrived home just as a delivery truck from Rick's Florests was dropping off a beautiful plant. It is a gift from Nora and Leif to brighten our home and indeed it has. It is beautiful and is a plant, I believe called Mother in Law Tongue, that I have been able to get to survive. I hope so as it is much to pretty to die.

Have a nice Saturday.



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