Saturday, August 09, 2008

Friday. It was a busy day but moved at a gentle pace. Chelsea and I headed out for our walk shortly after 6AM in the cool of the morning. We ran into several other walkers, including our friend with the cane who is a sister in law of the neighbor across the street. Chelsea was very excited about the golden retriever that we passed on the walk.

The morning was spent putting Dick on the sequential, shopping for fruits and veggies at Cappelles and preparing a poster for tomorrow's Reunion of the Clans about the bus trip to Milwaukee Irish Fest. We had soup and burritos for lunch which really tasted good today. We must have been hungry.

I went to the 4PM Mass at St. John's. I have been a Eucharistic minister almost every mass as Fr. Van Beeck has added a station for the host but the schedule does not reflect this. So, I have been going up to fill in the sixth person and then the seventh shows up. Father must be telling one of the scheduled people to hold back. We had a teacher from the Catholic Schools in Milwaukee's inner city speaking to us to ask for funds. This was our mission Sunday. She was very interested and is obviously very dedicated to her charges. She told a story of telling a young student that if he learned his math she would take him to Mc Donalds for lunch. He Did It. So one noon, they walked down the street and she bought him a lunch. He ate half of it and then stopped. She knew that he usually wolfed down whatever was in front of him so she pressed him a bit and found out that he was planning on taking the rest back with him for his brother who had helped him pass the course. Needless to say, after her tears, they bought another meal and went back to school to share it with his brother.

Lots of good people out there and lots of kids who need to be able to be treated or at least not be hungry ever again.



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