Thursday, August 07, 2008

Dick let Chelsea bounce on the bed to wake me up at 6AM on the dot because we had to be at the Plymouth Clinic by 7:45AM to see Dr. Lang, the bone specialist, about his knee. So Chelsea and I went for our walk but I made her turn around a bit sooner than she liked because I had to get us all fed, including Boots AND take my shower before we left. I was a hoppin' but we got out in plenty of time.

We are very happy with what Dr. Lang had to say. Since Dick is not hurting like he was, and the since the second X-Ray showed no deterioration, he said that we should be OK. He does not think that a knee replacement will be needed unless something else causes an injury or something. So we can concentrate on the other problems. Dick says that he thinks the doctors are graduating much too young. This guy is really young.

Then we had to go into the Sheboygan Clinic to have his blood thinness checked. He was at exactly 3 which is at the top end but within the parameters.. He won't have to be checked until September now unless he has to go on antibiotics or something. Then the new nurse, Deb, will hopefully be established at the Plymouth Clinic so we will not have to go into Sheboygan for it.

I stopped at Discovery World and paid for the rest of the bus to Irishfest, stopped at the bank and headed home. We were home before 10AM and I got to stay home for the whole rest of the day.

Jim and Michelle got home shortly after lunch. They had a successful and enjoyable trip. I invited them over for dinner as I had just put a pork tenderloin into the slow cooker and then I would have someone to eat sweet potatoes with me. We got some from Share and I know that Michelle likes them even if Jim and Dick don't.

I baked sour dough bread and zucchini bread today too. So I was on a cooking frenzy again today. Tomorrow will be much easier for me.

The dinner was good too. I had a salad and potatoes and peas with it and then we had ice cream cones for dessert.

Did I tell you I talked to Bart the other day. He sounded good and said they are well. I do miss my boys. Of course, they are not my little guys any more. I remember when they fit in my arms. They fit until they were about 10. When they got so big that their head didn't fit on my shoulder when they were sitting on my lap, it was kind of hard on me. My little boys weren't little any more. And they are so far away.

Tomorrow late afternoon, Jim and Michelle are coming over to clean again and spend time with Dick. I called Bobbie and we are going to see the new X Files movie. That should be fun. I think I will have lunch with my bank buddies tomorrow.

It was a beautiful day today. Warm but not too humid. It is supposed to stay that way through the weekend. The Reunion of the Clans picnic at St. Michaels out at Parnell will be a really pleasant experience. It is so comfortable and so odd to be picnicking amid the gravestones of those who came before.



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