Wednesday, August 06, 2008

Hello - Here it is Wednesday already. Tomorrow Jim and Michelle will be home from their trip already. I spent some time with Boots again this evening. He played with his toy but will not cuddle. I sure miss my Oscar. That cat knows HOW to cuddle.

Dick had his yearly physical this morning. His vitals are pretty much under control. His sugar levels are good, his blood pressure and all other things are OK too. Now if we could get his feet and legs squared away, we would be able to run races.

I dried some herbs today since I have Jim's dehydrator in the house. Tomorrow I have to store them. Did I tell you that two of my tomato plants have tomatoes on them? This is quite a miracle as tomatoes don't often do well for me. I have hope that I will have more than one or two for our consumption.

Tomorrow we have doctor appointments again.

Have a good one.


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