Friday, August 08, 2008

Fridays have kind of become my day. This morning, Dick managed to keep Chelsea away from me until almost 6:15AM so I got a GOOD nights sleep. We had a very nice walk. Saw a couple of other walkers which is always pleasant. Lots of bird singing and it smells SO nice this time of year.

Spent the morning, hooking Dick up to the Sequential compression machine, showering, cleaning my desk, trying to catch up on the computer. I had a nice visit with our neighbors Harold and Helen Wendorf. Harold called me over to see a clock that he had made. It is marvelous. A Brewer clock. It is in the shape of the state of Wisconsin with a Brewer decal for the clock face, a small Brewer hat on it in three dimension. He said he enjoys making clock and has made over 200 Packer Clocks. Wow. Bet he will have a lull in that for a bit because of Farve's escapades. (As Michelle said, and she is right, I am sure there were problems on both sides, but I still think Farve has been acting like a spoiled brat. This is not the first year he tried to keep everybody on a cliff until the last minute. This year it did not work. ) I just hope that Aaron Rogers does well. He is young but needs to get his chance. I hope the fans will remember that HE was not the decider of this whole fiasco.

I had lunch with my bank friends at Dairy Queen. That was fun. They are lovely ladies and such fun. My friend Ceil was talking about their trip to the horse races. They go once a year apparently. Ceil just waited until the end of the day and then took all her bets to the window to have them checked instead of keeping out her winning stubs. Apparently the ticket man was not to civil but Ceil just laughed and figured that that was his problem.

Got home in time to hook Dick up again before Jim and Michelle arrived to clean and send me on my way. I met Bobbie at Marcus Theatres in Sheboygan at 3:30PM. We went to see the new XFiles movie. We both loved it. I found out that the gift cards that I have left are still good and I have enough for another movie. Yippee. Bobbie and I want to do this again anyway. We need to wait for a change in the movies though. There isn't much else there that we want to pay for.

On the way home, I stopped at the Plymouth Art Center to see the new exhibit. It is the night of the Jazz Crawl. I viewed the exhibit and ran into a few friends. The new exhibit is fiber art and is WONDERFUL . It gives me courage to work on my projects. I zipped through the silent auction and put my bid in on three items. I always figure that if I am the first bid and it is early and I can afford the total if I have to I can bid on those kind of things. Then I came home. Jim, Michelle and Dick were finishing up a card game. Jim and Michelle left planning on going to the Jazz Crawl. I hope they did as it is a wonderful experience and they deserve special things.

Now I can wind down for the night. Whew. I AM pretty relaxed. It is nice to be looking forward to a pleasant weekend.

A Sydney Smith said "When you rise in the morning, form a resolution to make the day a happy one for a fellow creature."


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