Saturday, July 05, 2008

We are warm again. It was in the 80s today and actually quite wonderful. Chelsea woke me up at 5:30AM. I got up and took her out because Dick was sleeping and I really did not want to wake him. He seems to be sleeping an awful lot. He is tired and kind of weak. Probably it is a normal reaction to the infection and the problems he is facing.

Then I lazed around and just puttered until 10. Jim and Michelle came over then to clean. So I left. I went to Walmart to pick up some upholstery cleaner (my desk chair is FILTHY) and then to the Sewing Basket. I now THINK I have the fabric I need to make the wall hanging that I have envisioned in my head. It is time to get it out of there. I had a lot of fun shopping. I have decided to rejoin the Quilt Guild. Even if I only go once or twice a year, it will give me the option of good classes if I am interested. That is where I got my neat doll pattern.

I came home at about noon and fixed Dick some lunch, Then Jim, Michelle and I went out to lunch to NJoy the coffee house I told you about. We had a nice lunch of wraps and paninis and Mocha coffees, then proceeded on to Best Buy and Office Max to check out multifunction machines. We brought the information home and Dick and I picked the one we like. Now Michelle will see what kind of a price she can get. If she can't better it we will go back to Office Max next week.

We go home about 2PM. Dick was napping again but woke up pretty quickly so I changed the dressing on his foot and then got to rest for about 25 minutes before I went on to Mass at 4PM. When I got home I finished the spaghetti dinner. Jim and Michelle joined us for that too. Seemed like a good idea to me so I asked them. After we ate we played hearts for a bit. Would you believe I won? Well I did. I only had 29 points. The cards were JUST right.

Now it is exactly 9PM and I am very tired. We had ice cream cones for dessert. It reminded me of when I was a little girl. We only got ice cream when Mom and Dad did their grocery shopping because we did not have a freezer big enough to keep it on hand like we do now. So when they bought it, it had to be eaten that night. There were lots of kids, as you know. I remember that they ALWAYS got Neopolitan Ice cream so we could all have a choice and choices we did. I remember how patiently Dad would sit with that gallon square of ice cream, cutting each child the kind of ice cream he or she wanted and being very careful to see that we all got an equal amount. And you thought Job was patient.



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