Monday, June 30, 2008

Mondays are really too busy. Why can't we spread some of the events into the rest of the week?

Started out with a nice walk, Chelsea and me. It was very pleasant. We did not see too many other people and Chelsea is getting so blind that she does not see those that ARE out there. The workers are coming VERY early to work on Highland. I told you about our detour. Today, they seem to have opened one lane from Valley to Tallgrass, but I think it intended for their workers and is very bumpy and icky. The trouble is that SOME people are taking it and it means that one REALLY HAS to pay attention to the stop sings or you might get blindsided.

After the walk, I hooked Dick up to the sequential thingy. I can't see that it is helping too much right now. Without the stockings, his legs are swelling up again. We are in a real pickle. The stockings are causing the callouses to grow and get deep and open and without the stockings we get the swelling.

Then I went to bible study. Right after bible study I went over to Mom's. George and Betsy were there. Betsy's nephew was married in a Greek Orthodox ceremony on Saturday. I was able to spend about an hour and a half with them and Mother and Jeff and Kathy arrived while I was there too. I gave George and Betsy a poem that I wrote for Courtney. They had pictures of the home that Shawn bought in North Carolina. It is really nice. A three bedroom really close to campus where he will be teaching.

Then home, just in time to snack and load Dick into the car for two appointments at the Sheboygan Clinic. His blood count is still a bit low. Surprising, since the antibiotics usually cause the reverse and he is ON antibiotics.

Dr. Moreno is not unhappy with the way his callouses are healing but is concerned about the swelling in his legs, so they are wrapped again. I will have to rewrap them as the legs shrink so that there is no constricting or sagging. We will see Dr. Moreno again on Thursday.

Then we got home at about 3PM and Rachel, the RN from VNA came shortly afterwards. She checked him over and supplemented our supplies and ordered a cushion for the wheelchair. We are concerned that he needs something in there to help avoid sores. Don't need wounds in THAT area.

Finally, we were done.

Then I got a chance to pick up my messages and found a message from Dr. Ganhju. He is checking the CTScan that I had done last Wednesday. I called him back and was told that his nurses would return my call but nothing ever came of that. I am sure disappointed. I don't believe that there is any chance that there is an answer for the pain in my side but it would be nice to know. I will try to reach him or his nurses tomorrow. All we have scheduled is my PT in the morning and that is rather early. I asked Dick to answer the phone if it is the Clinic while I am gone. I would surely like to know. It is not that it is so bad but it has been going on for months and one wonders why.

It was a beautiful day today. I know why I live in Wisconsin when these days show up. It was in the high 70s with a nice breeze. No humidity and everything is green and blooming. Heaven must be like this.

Had such a nice visit with George and Betsy. We, Mother, Jeff, George and I, were remembering when we were kids.. I told George that I remember Nora and I dressing him up in a towel ( for a royal robe) and a homemade crown. Then we crowned him the King of Deeleyville. He was the cutest little guy, I remember with his blond hair and blue eyes. Who needed dolls when we had little brothers.

Hope you had a good Monday. It is now time for me to go to bed. Sleep tight yourself.


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