Thursday, July 03, 2008

Today was beautiful. It was kind of cool. Only in the high 60s and I find that quite comfortable if there is no rain or wind. Chelsea and I took a shorter walk this morning because they had sprayed the grass with pesticides and it is recommended that you keep pets off of the grass then for 24 hours. I don't think that she really noticed.

We had to be at the Sheboygan Clinic at 8:30 to see Dr. Moreno so Dick and I just kept moving with our morning routines and left at 8AM. It was a good visit. Dr. Moreno says the wounds look better. We were concerned because there is some weeping on the legs because of the swelling. BUT the wrapping is bringing the swelling down. So his legs are rewraped. I need to change the dressing on the worst of the callouses once a day and we go back on Monday.

We got home in plenty of time for me to get to the Plymouth Clinic for my PT. Becky says that there is much more range of motion. My neck feels much better and we are working on the sore arm. So progress is being made by both of us.

The rest of the afternoon was home. I finished cleaning the old office carpet. It looks better. I know it is clean because the vacuum tells me so but there are still stains that will NOT come out. I think eventually we will have to replace it. Right now there are more pressing things.

When I lived out in California and my boys were young, we belonged to a Jeep Club. The club was the Four Wheelers of Orange County and we prided ourselves on having families as members. So our family was a member of the club. One of the other families was Ernie Heinze and his remarkable, lovely wife, Twila. Ernie had been injured very seriously in a rollover jeeping accident many years earlier. Ernie was a mechanic and had his own auto repair business. When he was injured, they were still raising a family so Twila came into the business and learned how to be a mechanic too. She could hold her own with all the guys.

Their son Ron and his family also belonged to the club. Her grandchildren, boys and girls, all had dark hair and my Bret was a blond. One time we were talking about little boys and she remarked that she had noticed that little blond headed kids smelled like puppies. I think she is right. I loved my puppies.

We exchanged Christmas cards for a bit after I moved away and she thought it was VERY funny that I married another man named Dick.

Twila and Ernie are both gone now. Such a special couple.


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