Saturday, April 12, 2008

A marvelous day. For me at least.

We left from the KMart Parking Lot at 8:30AM for the Fireside to see Anything Goes. Bobbie and Bill went too. So it was extra special.

We had as usual, a wonderful meal, an Asian Salad, Fresh Breads, Tenderloin of beef on toast, green beans, a potato croquette and a delicious chocolate dessert.

Then the play, Anything Goes. The Fireside ALWAYS puts on a good production and this was even better than most. The music and dancing just blew us away. Anything Goes is an OLD Broadway musical with such memorable music as You're the Tops and Anything Goes itself.
There was a lot of tap which one does not see too much any more and they were GOOD.

An uneventful drive and we were home just when they said we would be.

I was so glad that Dick came along this time. He as missed to much. He has mixed feelings. He loved the show, the food and the company but the trip was hard on him. The next one is in June and hopefully we will be done with all the leg procedures AND he will be steadier on his feet. Barefoot in the Park is next and we both want to see that too.

That was our day.

Hope you had as good a one as we did



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