Sunday, April 06, 2008

Another perfectly loverly day. It was warm. All the snow seems to be gone, except for the last small hills that remain from the mountains that the snow plowing left.

Chelsea and I had a nice walk this morning. Then I went to the 8AM mass. I was Eucharistic Minister this morning. That is always such a privilege. I filled up the tank on my way home so am set for the week.

I spent the day baking and resting. A pleasant way to spend a Sunday. I made Friendship Bread. Then when I was talking to Kate about it I realized that I forgot to put the instant pudding in it. We tasted it and it seems just fine so I am not going to worry about it. I made a double batch and will be able to share it at the Tea during our Celtic Spring Fling.

I also made the homemake banana cream pudding that I promised Jim for during his healing. Then I have been unable to reach them. I saw them leave sometime this morning and did not hear the car come home though it must have. I tried calling but got no answer so I left a message on her cell but did not get a reply from that either. So I will try again tomorrow. He has to be careful what he eats until he heals. I remember a soup I used to fix for the boys that they loved. Egg Drop Soup. I would just heat a can of broth or bullion nice and hot. Then beat an egg in a cup and swirl it into the hot broth and cook til soft cooked. Tasty and healthy.

We had scalloped potatoes and ham for supper with pudding and strawberries for dessert. My, we do live like royalty.

A busy week looms ahead. Dick is still feeling pretty good after the most recent procedure so we think we are on the home stretch.

Thanks for all your prayers and please keep remembering.



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