Saturday, February 23, 2008

A lovely sunny day in which the temperatures got up to the mid to high 20s at their peak. Chelsea and I, however, walked early this morning when it was still only 8 degrees. We DID have a nice walk though as there was not wind.

We got to stay home all day today. That was unique. It was not a bad day overall. I made a new pasta salad for our dinner tonight and it is very good. It is a Thai noodle salad. They use peanuts and soy sauce and I liked it a lot. We also had steak and potatoes for our dinner and chocolate zucchini bread with ice cream for dessert. I have not broiled a steak in quite some time. I really do know how to do that well.

This evening, I had a distressing thing happen to me. I took Chelsea out for her walk just before dinner and I slipped on some ice and fell. Before when I fell, I always just landed on my behind (which is padded) but this time I flipped and hit the back of my head. I am OK. I put ice on the lump and have been checking my eyes to make sure they are dilated evenly. I have no nausea. I am awfully tired and will be going to bed soon.

Anyway, I am glad this day is over - tomorrow will be much better, I know.

"Do not meddle in the affairs of Dragons, for you are crunchy and good with ketchup."



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