Monday, February 18, 2008

What a crummy weather day we had. It started out fairly clear but slushy and icy. It was OK driving to Sheboygan Falls for Bible Study. I took Highway 23 to Falls to avoid the country roads which are usually much worse.

There were six of us at the study. It was a lively discussion. The gospel was about Jesus asking for water from the Samaritan woman. At one point Jesus asked her to go and bring her husband to see him. She said that she did not have a husband. Jesus told her that she was right, that she had had five husbands but the sixth man that she was living with was not her husband. Joe said the woman reminded him of Elizabeth Taylor. We all laughed but upon discussion, he is kind of right. They are both women full of love and looking for love and they both did and do good for others and for the world. Jesus found someone to bring followers to him and Elizabeth does much good in the world with her wealth and her influence too.

Then I went over to visit with Mother. She is fine and sticking close to home until the ice and snow are somewhat cleared up. She will go to vote tomorrow. But Randy will take her there and he can help her is she has any trouble.

This afternoon was the Cream City Writers in downtown Plymouth. There were six of us there too. We had a nice sharing meeting. Everybody but Jenna had poems. Jenna gets hung up on the words that we challenge each other with and sometimes cannot go beyond that. At the end of the meeting each of us just gives a word and we try to use some or all of them in a poem. Last month they were really rather weird and disjointed. They were dark and dreary, hungry, romance, sugar and cold. I managed to get four of them into a poem. Here it is.


In dark of night
They are hungry.
In the dreary cold just before dawn
They shiver in doorways and under bridges.
We look through them,
Pretend they are not really there.
"Riding the rails" is not so romantic
After all.
Now they are sent on buses somewhere else
So others can look through them.

When I got home, I vacuumed the snibbles of the denim quilt up off of the den floor downstairs.

Tomorrow is "doctor day." Two appointments for Dick and one for me.

I think the snow is supposed to stop for a bit but the temperatures are supposed to drop to below zero again.

Remember to vote, if you are a Wisconsin reader.



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