Saturday, October 28, 2006

We had a FUN day. This morning Dick and I went to the house on Hunters Glen and took care of our faithful lawn mower, Patrick's pay for the past couple of months. Now pray that the house sells soon so that mowing and shoveling become non relevant for us soon.

Then we went to Main Dish over on Hwy 42. They are a service that provides the ability to assemble meals and bring them home ready to pop in the oven for you. They had a special today. for $12 you could get one container with enough to feed 4 to 6 or two with each serving 2 to 3. They had a choice of Chicken Parmesean or Pork Medalians. We chose Chicken Parmesean. It was really fun and I brought home two containers with Chicken Parmesean that will provide easily a main dish from each container for two meals for Dick and Me. As I was leaving, Jim and Michelle came in. They got the Pork Medalians, so we traded two. That will give us four meals, two of each kind. What a deal. I would be willing to go back. (Of course, we have to taste them first.)

Then we stopped at Walmart and I reupped my Trak phone. for another year. Then to Walgreens for my stomach medicine and home.

We were glad to get there by then.

Jim and Michelle came over and put a swivel shelf on our dresser for the tv. The video machine fits underneath it and we are all set for now.

We shared our lunch of pasta salad and salmon/cheese and crackers then I rested for a while. The Badgers won. Yea.

I worked a bit on Donna's baby quilt. Got the batting in and put the first stitching around the edge.

We had chicken stir fry for supper. Pretty good too. I used a package of frozen brocolli, fresh mushrooms, celery, red onion and chicken.

Tonight we have to remember to turn the clocks back as daylight savings time starts in the morning. Chelsea and I will like that for a while. It will be lighter when we walk. I hope she knows that I get an extra hour sleep.

Remember: Dogs and cats are better than kids because they:
1 - Eat less
2 - Don't ask for money all the time
3 - Are easier to train
4 - Usually come when called
5 - Never drive your car
6 - Don't hang out with drug-using friends
7 - Don't smoke or drink
8 - Don't worry about having to buy the latest fashions
9 - Don't wear your clothes
10. Don't need a gazillion dollars for college, and
11. If they get pregnant, you can sell their children.



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