Monday, October 23, 2006

A nice Bible Study this morning. We are reading some Jeremiah for our first reading at the Sunday Mass. This coming Sunday is the good news to Jeremiah that God will be reuniting the Hebrew people in Israel after the Babylon exile. He had to do a lot of reuniting because the people would disobey his requests. I like the "changing sadness to joy" concept.

I showed Donna the quilt as far as I have it and she is pleased. She did a cross stitch sampler for me of Dick and my wedding . It is truely lovely and she has it all ready to hang.

Then I came home. I went to the Plymouth Writer's Club a week late, they meet on the THIRD Monday fo each month. However, I was able to leave four books at Book Head and she will display them as a local author's work . I akso left one at the Plymouth Library for their collection.

This afternoon, was really kind of quiet. I did some cooking called a friend and wrote a note to another friend.

Found a great channel on TV. They run Dick Cavett's old interviews in the afternoons. I watched the show where he interviewed Groucho Marx. Groucho was charming. He sang and told stories with his wonderful wit. I wrote down a quotation that was just SO Groucho. "I think women are sexy when they have their clothes on. Then if they take them off later, you've triumphed."

I also called Barbara this evening and found out that my new great grandaughter is named Abigail Elaine.

Have a lovely evening.


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