Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Chelsea slept until 6:15AM this morning. That was quite a nice thing for her to do, but it was still very dark out there, so we just went for a very short walk. Then at about 9:00 she and I went out again and went all around the Tallgrass complex and then around Lions Park and came back through the path that I cleared from the park to the back of our unit. She was a very happy girl. It is NOW time, because of the dark to do this every day.

Dick and I went to K-Mart today too. We are looking for Ivory Snow to wash his socks in. Nobody seems to be carrying it anymore. I will try WalMart on Friday and then our only hope is Woodlake. But I did find a couple of plants for the kitchen and a turntable for the TV in our bedroom. So it was a successful trip.

This afternoon, I cut out a few denim squares for the future quilt and emptied two boxes out in the garage. Everything that is left is Dick's. HOWEVER, I cannot find three pictures and a coffee perculator. Beats me where they have gone. I am sure they will sow up eventually. I remember that when we moved Mother and Dad to the little "Grandma" house (as Bret puts it) on Summer St. in Sheboygan Falls, they could not find all of Mother's spoons. Then, one day, Dad called Mother to come down into the basement and underneath a box and some folded linens were all of the spoons, carefully wrapped and ready to hang. I have faith. The pictures are two small cards that my Uncle George hand did for Christmas two years in a row in watercolor and a painting on hard medium that my Brother Matthew did. He is the poet who died when he was only 17. I KNOW they are here somewhere.

Tomorrow is scheduled to be very quiet day. We should not have to go ANYWHERE. I intend to sew and write and clean.

Hope you have a good day too.



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