Sunday, October 29, 2006

Mom and I had the nicest visit this morning. We discussed everything from Madonna's adoption to why war is the answer to peace. She is a marvel.

I talked to Barbara and Bart today. Barbara has an ear infection but her inspection at work went OK after a battle so this week was a mixed bag for them. Bart sounds Ok.

Chelsea started waking me up at 5:13AM. I had tried to explain daylight savings to her and she swore she understood. But I think she lied. I let her out to piddle and then tried to go back to bed but OH NO. At 5:30 AM there she was again and I just gave up. I guess we will have to go through a period of retraining. She was definately unhappy with Dick and me because we waited until 5(6) to feed her tonight.

For some reason or other, I really miss my kitties this weekend. It is hard for me to know that they are out there and not with me. I am sure they are fine, because they are with Bobbie and Bill and animals are not as possessive as people. But it is hard for me to go to bed at night without my Oscar cuddling me for a while. It is sad for me to sit at my desk without them taking up TOO much of the desktop. I miss my Roxie dragging all the little things off and leaving them in the hallways. I miss them greeting me in the morning and when I come home.
So many people say that I should just get them - who would know. Dick doesn't feel that way. I wish with all my heart that he did. I feel like a total nut about this but it is really hard.

This is a rather busy week ahead. I take Mother to the ear doctor on Monday after Bible Study. Monday evening is Rhine Plymouth Board Meeting. Tuesday, Dick has a blood test and we will shop. The end of the week I will be attending part of a Writer's Festival at Lakeland. Should get me going again. These things usually do.

Pray that the house on Hunter's Glen sells. We sure could use it.



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