Monday, October 30, 2006

We had a BEAUtiful day today. The highest temperature I saw was 59 this afternoon. What a nice break. It has been unseasonably cold this fall. Tomorrow a cold front is coming in and it is going to drop back down to the 40s. But today was a treasure.

Dick got Chelsea out of the bedroom this morning and shut the door so we managed to get her out on her walk at 6:00AM STANDARD time. Much better than 5:00AM. It was even light. I LIKE walking when it is light. So does Chelsea but of course she doesn't understand that time has a lot to do with it.

Bible Study went well. We were discussing Sunday's readings which are focusing on the Great Commandment. To love God first and then to love your fellow man. Sometimes that isn't the easiest thing in the world, is it? Not everybody is easy to love. And it is not always easy to remember that God comes first. We are faced every day with issues that are bombarding us constantly.

After that I picked up Mom and we did a lot of things. We picked up a packet for Mom to use to apply for the lifeline necklace, got her blood pressure checked, (her reading was really good 168/68 so she is to stay on the medication and same dosage for the time being). Then stopped at the Mall at Mary Lee's where Eileen had two books for Mom and Mom bought a present for her bridge club gift exchange. I gave Eileen the pattern for the spider web wall hanging and picked up two Christmas ornaments.

But we weren't done yet.

After leaving Eileen, we went to Applebee's for lunch. A good lunch if I do say so. Our final stop was back at the Clinic where her Ear specialist cleaned and adjusted her hearing aids. Then home. After dropping her off, I did stop at Walgreens to pick up prescriptions for Dick. Now I find out that they were partial prescriptions and we have to stop again tomorrow. Ick.

Tonight was the Rhine Plymouth Board Meeting. I was home by 8:15 or so. Good thing because I am tired and want to be done.

I read something in a magazine today. It was in a bunch of quotes that people attributed to someone who really had an influence in their life. So here it is.

"Someone who is priceless, can't be worthless."

That is all of you.


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