Friday, May 27, 2005

The morning started off very sunny and quite warm. Chelsea ( or Sparky as Dick is wont to call her now that her hair is all shorn) and I had the NICEST walk. I actually slept til almost 6:30AM. It helped that Dick coaxed Chelsea out of the bedroom at about 5:30 so that she couldn't bug me. He said that she is getting wise to that trick however. She isn't so very eager to follow him out in the mornings. She knows that the door will be shut behind her.

By the time I left for Plymouth and lunch with the gals in Plymouth it had chilled considerably. I almost went without a jacket but threw one in the car at the last minute. When I stepped out of the car at the Dairy Queen and immediately got chilled.

I got a letter from Fr. Mike Shea in Thailand. He will be in the U.S. next month. He said that he is accompanying an 89 year old missionary home to see his family in Detroit for the last time. Then the old one (I love the term "old one" - it implies so much dignity, strength and peace) will return to Thailand and stay til he is called to God.

Mike said that Sarnelli has taken in three more little girls, one named WOW. I love their names. Two more will be coming in a few days and he is going to have to build another girl's dorm. He said that the donations are down a bit because many people have given their extra for tsunami relieve. He is so nice - he said he isn't complaining as that is certainly an important cause also.

Have a marvelous three day holiday. Remember our soldiers, those we are remembering and those who are still out there in danger. We must pray that those boys and girls come home soon.



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