Tuesday, June 02, 2015

All day at home.  EXCEPT for the Condo board meeting at 4PM.   I got a lot done.

I felt sad today and as I often do when I am sad, I baked myself silly.    I make Scottish Shortbread cookies, scones and mixed up a no-knead bread to bake tomorrow.    

I did some more cleaning and planted the last of my basil plants.  If I feel sad tomorrow, I don't know what I will do.    I will go grocery shopping in the morning and bake the bread that I mixed.

The meeting went well,  I can transcribe my notes tomorrow.   I can also get a report for CWI ready.  I guess it will be oK.  It always is.   I just need to work things through in my head.

I have found out that digging is not good.   I am sore since I planted the tomatoes.   That's OK - tomorrow it will all be better.

Dia Dhuit

I hope I don't sound like a whiner.


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