Sunday, May 31, 2015

Sunday, May is gone!

A whole day at home.   It was sunny and the sun felt so good, but there was a chilly wind all day so one needed a jacket when on a walk.    Nicky was a bit pushy for walks today.   He had an exciting time when he saw two very fat rabbits on our lawn and really wanted to run them down.  

I cleaned a couple of cluttered areas today.

Jeff and Kathy stopped by around 2PM with my tomato plants.   It is supposed to be in the thirties tonight so I brought them into the garage and will plant them tomorrow afternoon or on Tuesday.   I have some basil to join them.   They are companion plants, you know.   I don't know much but I know that.

Tomorrow will be the first NORMAL(if there is such a thing) Monday in three weeks.  Bible study and then over to see Mom.  Please pray for her.   She is still experiencing a lot of pain and we are trying to find out why.   It seems that it should be getting better by now.

I am watching Peter, Paul and Mary as I write this.   How nice to see  this.   All their songs.  From the beginning to now.    It is amazing how many of their protest songs are still so relevant.

Anyway,  until tomorrow.

Dia dhuit


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