Monday, April 07, 2014

A very busy Monday

It was beautifully warm today, though.   My car registered 60 degrees outside which was so nice.   I opened up the house this afternoon to let the fresh air in.

Bible study was quite active.  There were 10 of us there which made for a lot of discussion.   We finally finished discussing St. Stephens talk to priests in the temple that made them so mad and read the story of his martyrdom.   He was stoned and the robes of the people who did the stoning were laid at the feet of Saul, later Saint Paul.   Stoning is such a barbaric way of executing someone.   It is hard to believe that in some parts of the world, people are still stoned.   We need more love and concern in our world today.   That is what I am trying to do this Lent instead of giving something up, I am trying to learn more.

I went to see Mom right after the study.   I brought her communion and am now bringing the host to the other Catholics in the nursing home.   There are eight or nine.   Some can only, like Rita, take a little piece of the host as they cannot swallow too well.

Mom was feeling really well today.   We had a nice visit and I had lunch with her too.   We had chicken nuggets, tater tots, peas and a pineapple fluff dessert.  

This evening I went to practice for the spring concert at the Plymouth Arts Center in May.   It seems to be coming together but I will have to practice during the week.

Dia dhuit


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