Sunday, March 30, 2014

Poets and Artists in Cahoots

Here it is almost 7PM on Sunday evening.    A beautiful day.   The sun shone all day and the temperatures got up into the high 40's maybe even the low 50's though I did not see that.   The next few days are supposed to be bringing another cold and snow spell.   Will it NEVER end. 

As I said briefly, Friday night was a success.   There were 18 artists and 16 poets represented in the show.   Each artist has a poem created around one of his or her works and each poet had a piece of art created by one of the artists.  For a show consisting of 34 pieces of art and 34 poems. 

There were over 150 people who came to the opening.  I arrived at about 5:30PM.  The show started at 6PM, but I wanted to deliver the baked goods that I donated to the show.   I think I told you I had Lime Scones and chocolate cupcakes in pretty cupcake cups with white frosting and a Hershey's kiss on each one.   They WERE impressive and everybody was pleased.  I am not sure who brings them, but we also had Black Forest Cupcakes.   I guess they are really easy but who does not get excited over cherry chocolate cupcakes that don't even need frosting.

At 7:30PM, the poets read their work.   As we read them we had the artist do a Vanna White to the piece of art that inspired the poem, or was the inspiration.    I will put one in today and one tomorrow.  The first is based on a watercolor of the Onion River painted by Keary Kautzer.   Keary had injured his leg, so his wife stood and pointed at our work.   He tore his Achilles tendon playing volleyball.   When he found out how I hurt mine,  he felt better.  I got the opportunity, however, to tell Keary how grateful I was that he brought the memories back to me.


Where the Onion meets the Sheboygan
down behind the abandoned slaughterhouse
Dad took us fishin'.
Carrying long bamboo poles
with a red and white plastic bobber
tied above the hook,
we'd hunker down
on the moist green bank.
Shadows from gently swaying trees
embraced us from above.
Let's be quiet now, Dad would say.
We learned to swing the long pole
over the bubbling, moving river
to spots that looked good.
The bobber sinking!
A tug on the line!
You got one! Dad would say,
then tell us how to bring it in.
Wonder of wonders,
we hauled fish out of that river!
Mostly bullheads , I remember.
Bullheads have sharp horns.
I was gored by a couple.
When there was enough for a meal,
we carried them home in a bucket to Mom.
Mom praised us for our gift.
We learned great life lessons
while fishing on the Onion.
It is good to gather your own food.
Fresh tastes best.
Dads know everything.

For My Dad – Hutz Deeley, a true poet
I do have a copy of the picture that I can show you.  I wish I could afford the original, but then I don't have room for it anyway.  
I figured out where to put the spoons that I got from Mom and Dad's collection. Up on that narrow rack where all my little stuff seems to go.
The other poem is called Falcon.   I will share it later.
Yesterday I slept really late because I had been out late the night before.   The only time I went out was to get the mail and then I remembered that I had some things that had to go in the mail today for sure.  So I drove to the drop box in front of the Post office and then dropped some baskets and vases off at Kate's home.   I haven't talked to her in such a long time.   Ron took the baskets and vases and paperwork about the Gathering.     So I am sure she will get the word.
I went to Mass this morning.  I was lector for the second time at St. John's. I hope she gets me on Saturday's from now on.  Everything went well, BUT I read the Saturday intentions and it is SUNDAY.  The family were upset.   I apologized profusely but still feel bad about it.   Fr. Dan forgave me though.
So.  I have been working on the Patron Saints book in my spare time and trying to study for the Rediscover Catholicism discussion.   Instead of giving things up for Lent, I am trying to be a better Christian.   Hope it works.
Tomorrow will be a typical busy Monday.   I will even have more, as I am going to Silver Lake College to see our Samantha's Art Show that is part of her graduation from Silver Lake.
So Until tomorrow.  
Dia Dhuit
P. S.  I am going to try to send some pictures of the EVENT.

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